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  • Writer's pictureCraig Taylor

Packing Like a Pro: #1 Tip for Efficient Wildcamping Trips

Packing your equipment for wild camping adventures can be a tricky balance between ensuring safety and comfort whilst trying to reduce the weight and bulk of your kit.

In this video I share my own approach to tackling this challenge allowing me to be safe and relatively comfortable, without carrying my entire worldly possessions on my back!

If you find the video to be valuable and are serious about improving your outdoor skills then please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel as well as this blog so you don't miss out on future content.

1 Comment

May 02, 2023

Hi Craig. Don't expect you to remember me. I was the idiot with the injured foot on the navigation 101 course at the beginning of April this year. And YES, I always carry too much gear when I go outdoors. Not helped too much when you receive the kit list as supplied by Paul for his courses.

Loved what you said in this video and already commited to changing the amount of STUFF I carry.

It will be an eye opener for me when I do my elementary bushcraft course in July, but more importantly, now when I get out for my navigation trips I will carry a smaller rucksack with only what I really need for the time I'm…

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